Calendar events, at a glance:
9/3: Early Dismissal @ 12:40
9/6: Labor Day, no classes
9/16: Interims 2:30-6:30PM
9/17: Early Dismissal @ 12:40
9/27: College Credit Plus 5- week Interim Reports due to School Counselor; an “F” will be entered for a grade in MP1 if no report is submitted.
September, 2021
News from the Counselor
News from College & Career Academies of Akron
Industry Field Experiences will begin in mid-October for our sophomore learners. More details to come as we get closer to the date!
Welcome back everybody! I'm so excited to see everybody IN PERSON! Here's to a great school
from the ptsa
The PTSA will be selling MUMS this fall as one of our key fundraisers. Packets of information will be coming home soon with our kick off date set for September 7! Each student will have a paper brochure to take orders as well as an online site for anyone who would like to pay electronically. Prizes are being arranged and will include top seller as well as individual class sales. We hope you will share this opportunity to purchase these beautiful, Ohio Grown Mums with your friends and family. We will be selling until September 20th with further information to come soon. We appreciate your support with this fundraiser which helps us to supply scholarships to students as well as support our classrooms.
**Don’t forget to sign up for the STEM High PTSA, it is easy to do...simply click here and visit the store